Well, I've been told that there's a sucker born every day/ Well, I wonder who, yeah, I wonder who/ Maybe the one who doesn't realize there's a thousand shades of grey

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

I'm back

I'm baaaack. How long before ETK notices?

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Loyal Readers

Dear Loyal Readers:
I wanted to let you know a few things: I want to see more live music....mmh and I did not go see Gaelic Storm this evening in Towson, MD as we needed to garden....also I WON at Trivial Pursuit vs mmh...we even went into Overtime...winning answer was Randal Cunningham...additionally, I also WON at Scrabble vs mmh and her sister a few weeks ago....mmh did place second and earned the silver medal.



Saturday, April 08, 2006

Quality, Not Quantity

Remember folks - it is the quality not quantity.

A few updates - I HAVE been busy, much to the disbelief of the porsche driving crowd. My gut is not hanging over my shorts when I play basketball, because I have not been able to play for the past month!

I am going to the DC United game.

MMH only wants to finish taxes and write thank you notes.

At least I blog more than the basketball dude.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

i have been busy...

But i wanted to let everyone know that I just beat MMH in scrabble. Again. For the sixth straight time.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Gaelic Storm

I'm not really a big "i'm the king of the world!" fan...but i do like gaelic storm (www.gaelicstorm.com), which came to fame as the "band" in Third Class in the movie Titanic. The music is pretty fun - what you'd imagine a pub in Dublin Sounds like. (we heard U2 and some REALLY folk irish music in dublin)

In any event - tomorrow is the Alexandria St. Patrick's Day parade, which in the Horgan house mean an excuse to have a "St. Patrick's Celebration" brunch. Starting at 10:30 with leprechaun Breakfast...And Guinness. Look for the exciting blog updates on a computer near you.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

I've been busy Buddha damn it

ETK and associated husban, along with millions of other fans, both domestic and international, have been demanding an update of my blog. Well, let me just say that I've been pretty damn busy, Buddha damn it.

Here are some quick updates:
1. I do not know dooce.com - i'm not even sure how i started to read that blog. In any event, the blog is pretty great to read. Who knew that I would like to read about a chick, her husban (blurbomat.com) AND her star of the internet kid??

2. MMH and my buddy are playing for the wrong team - they do not want the g'mvt to have the power to wire tap us at any time for free. What the hell are MMH and my buddy talking about over the telephone that they want to hide? As I've said, the g'mvt can wire tap me at any time: here is my ususal phone conversation:
me: Hello.
mmh: I hello, you are incredible in bed
me: can we talk about something else?
mmh: i'm down in Richmond again.
me: I know - how is the Marriott?
MME: i got upgraded to the concierge level
me: great.
mmh: I hate commuting to Richmond.
me: when are we moving to Richmond?
mmh: I'm drunk from the free drinks in the concierge lounge.
me: not again!

3. My company announced it is reviewing "strategic alternatives" - which clearly means I work a lot. This is hurting my ability to post comments on my blog. A huge downside. I'm thinking that if i'm asked for any input on the "strategic alternatives" i'll say: Plastics"

Saturday, February 04, 2006

So, after 15 years, it turns out I am a geek.

I am certain that I am not alone in this...back "fifty years ago" as I like to say - I used to care if people thought i was "cool". Clearly I was pretty much the ultimate of "cool" when I was in high school, in case you were wondering. However, I think that I was fooling pretty much everyone....I have to state here that it turns out i actually might be a geek.

I just beat mmh in scrabble and i am on a scrabble winning streak...and I am pretty damn proud of it. I've won the past three games mmh and I have played. I recently said with pride that i scored "like 66 points using 'finch' - a type of bird" at work and some folks pointed out that they've never even played scrabble. I was pretty offended when they asked me if I did crossword puzzles - seriously scrabble and crossword puzzles are not really the same game for god sake.

After reflecting on how i somehow evolved into somehow who likes to play scrabble and gets offended when someone accuses me of doing crossword puzzles, I am starting to worry that i am a geek. Note - we drank kir royales during the game- so at least we are drunk geeks (we= assumes mmh was a geek to begin with...masters in math pretty much earns the geek label).
